All online orders are shipped on a prepaid basis. We accept Visa, MC, Discover, Amex and PayPal. If you prefer to pay using a Money Order, mail your order and include a Money Order (no cash) for the order total.

- Payment in U.S. Funds Only.

- Prices are subject to change without notice.

We stand by our product designs and quality and guarantee our products for the purchase price. If for any reason you are not satisfied, simply return the product within 30 days with a brief note explaining the reason for return, and we will promptly refund credit card the product purchase price or replace or exchange the product (See Exchanges below)..

If for any reason you need to exchange any of our products, simply return the unused product within 30 days, with the original invoice or a note explaining your exchange needs. At cost shipping charges will be added.

If we have made an error in order processing, please notify us and a call-tag or postage paid envelope will be issued for the return of the unused product.

If you have ordered incorrectly, you have 30 days from the invoice date to return the items for exchange or credit. After 30 days a 15% restocking fee (your cost + 15%) applies to all returned unused goods.

We cannot accept items no longer stocked by Four Flags.

Shipping Guarantee—All orders received before noon CT, M-F (except Holidays), by phone, fax or Email, will be shipped the same day OR weÔøΩll pay standard ground shipping charges. This applies only to US and Canadian stock orders on days when packages are processed by UPS or USPS. Does not apply to the days Four Flags is closed for holidays.

Carriers— Shipping is handled the most economical way (Best Way)—either USPS 1st Class, Priority Mail or UPS ground. Additional costs may apply to special shipper requests.

Overseas Shipping— Postal Service in most cases, but for cost and shipping carrier contact us.

Single $3.00—US - 1st Class

Muzzle $3.50—Canada/Mexico - 1st Class

Packages $5.00—US - 1st Class/Priority

Under 1 lb. $6.00—Canada/Mexico - 1st Class

Packages $6.00—US

Over 1 lb. $7 base—Canada/Mexico - with

(Best Way) additional charges billed at cost.